Evaluation groups have been set for AA, AAA, and Majors Divisions. Please check the spreadsheet linked below for your players check-in and start time. Look at the individual tabs for your player's division.
Evaluation day is on RAIN OR SHINE.
Players have been assigned a Group number based on the level of play they will be evaluating in. All times are set – please do not ask for a time change as we are not able to make changes.
Your child should be at the Los Gatos High School baseball field at the check in time to get assigned a BIB#. They will receive a number and then be asked to sit with their group in the staging area in the bleachers. When called, their group will go to the dugout and down the right field line to warm up before the start time.
Please make sure your player is dressed with the appropriate attire to play baseball and brings their own glove, helmet, cleats and bat. Come prepared for rain, jacket umbrellas etc.
PARKING @ LOS GATOS LODGE: There will be very limited parking at LGHS due to another event so we ask that you park at the Los Gatos Lodge, near building 7. It is the closest building to the back gate of the high school baseball field. You will be able to walk through the gate onto the field. (SEE MAP)
SCHEDULES: Please check the spreadsheet for your players check in time, and start time. We cannot move them to another time, all BIB#s and times are set.
CHECK-IN PROCESS: Please see the map that details the stations for the day.
1. Check in at Registration and provide medical release
2. Wait in the bleachers (Staging Area 1)
3. Go to the first base dugout (Staging Area 2, drop player there and a volunteer will take them the rest of the way)
4. Warm Ups down the right field line
5. Ground balls (Main field infield)
6. Baserunning (Center field)
7. Fly Ball (Left Field)
8. Pitching (LF bullpen and cage 1)
9. Hitting and Hit Trax (Cages 2 and 3)
We ask that parents stay off the field and outside the taped off areas. Please stay in the bleacher or by the snack shack. The kids will only need their gloves until they are done with the pitching station. So we would like their bags to stay behind the first base dugout against the wall. After they pitch they will go get their helmet and bat and then go to the hitting station. Please make sure your player’s gear is labeled clearly to avoid any gear mixups/lost items.
The scheduled evaluation for each group is estimated to take approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete the circuit from registration to final swing of the bat. Please note that these times may be delayed if there are any timing challenges, but your child will need to be at the field to check in time for things to run smoothly.
Snack Shack and LGLL Merchandise for Sale: We will have some concessions available during Evaluation Day including coffee, donuts, breakfast burritos, pizza and other snacks. We will have some LGLL merchandise available for sale on site and new items available for pre-order, including LGLL arm sleeves.
REQUIRED MEDICAL RELEASE FORM: Please print, complete, and have your child bring the linked attached Medical Release form to registration. Your player WILL NOT be allowed to participate in evaluations without the medical release form completed.
LOCATION: The Los Gatos high school baseball field is just behind the high school parking lot, which is located where Pleasant Street intersects New York Avenue. Los Gatos High School (Campus Map) Please park at the Los Gatos Lodge for Saturday's event.
Please sign-up for a volunteer role for evaluation day. Volunteer hours count towards your families annual volunteer requirement. Thank you!
PRE-EVALUATION DAY CLINIC: Jan 9 4:30-6:00PM at Los Gatos High School. This is voluntary. You can pop in briefly 30-45 minutes anytime between 4:30-6:00PM to get a walk-through of the stations your player will do on Saturday. This gives them a chance to get some reps, knock some rust/nerves off and prepare for Saturday.

What is Evaluation Day? Does my child need to attend?
The purpose of evaluation day is to assess each player's skill level in order to make sure they are playing in the correct division and to form equitable teams across divisions. There will be a minimum of 5 skill stations including: (1) Batting/bunting (2) Fielding fly balls (3) Fielding ground balls (4) Throwing /Pitching (5) Running in competition with children of the same league age.
Every player will be assigned to a team. Players are not "cut" from little league unless there is a health or safety issue.
The participation in the Evaluation process, and assessment of all players(AA, AAA, Majors & Juniors) is contingent on each child meeting Little League’s eligibility requirements. Once a child has gone through evals, it is the responsibility of the team managers, the president, and the league’s player agent to operate and assure a fair and equitable draft that follows one of Little League’s approved draft methods. All managers, nominated by the League President and approved by the league’s Board of Directors for the current season, must attend the tryout so they can assess/grade players for their own reference.
Evaluations for players hoping to be drafted onto an AA, AAA, Majors or Juniors /Intermediate team is highly recommended. If you player does not show up for Evaluation Day, there is a chance they will not get drafted in their desired level and may roll back down to the previous level. Due to the logistics of Evaluation Day - LGLL only offers the one day.